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杜仲八珍汤 Bone Strengthen Eight Precious Soup

RM 9.80

杜仲八珍汤 Bone Strengthen Eight Precious Soup

RM 9.80




《Bone Strengthen Eight Precious Soup》

Ingredients: Du Zhong, Ba Ji,  Gui Pian, Hei Zao, Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Bai Shao, Zhi Gan Cao, Chuan Xiong, Shu Di.

Benefits: Suitable for women with back and waist sore after period, tonify blood and strengthen waist.

Preparation: Clean all the herbs and put them into a pot with 2L of water. Boil it for 2 hours then season it with salt. You may boil it with meat as your preference.
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