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土茯苓 Smilax Glabra 100g

RM 10.00

土茯苓 Smilax Glabra 100g

RM 10.00
土茯苓性平,味甘、淡,归肝、胃经,具有解毒、除湿、通利关节等作用。 古籍记载土茯苓“利湿去热,能入络,搜剔湿热之蕴毒”、“调中止泄”、“治五淋白浊”,土茯苓渗湿利水的功效非常强,还有一点清热的作用,除湿而解毒,堪称除湿神器。

Smilax glabra is known as Tufuling in traditional Chinese medicine. The root has been used in combination with other herbs to treat various types of infections and inflammatory conditions. Lab studies suggest this plant has anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.

净含量/Net Wt: 100gm
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