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羊肚菌 Morel Mushroom (Morchella)

RM 24.00

羊肚菌 Morel Mushroom (Morchella)

RM 24.00
羊肚菌味甘性平,羊肚菌具有和胃消食、化痰理气等功效,用于治疗消化不良、痰多气短等症状。 羊肚菌营养成分丰富,在菌类中,羊肚菌蛋白质含量也高于香菇等常见食用菌。 总的来说,羊肚菌是一种营养丰富且具有一定药用价值的食物,孩子是可以适当吃一点的。

Morel mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin D. They are also a low-fat, plant-based food that makes a great addition to a heart-healthy diet as an ingredient or as a meat substitute. Adding more plant foods to your diet can lower your cholesterol, give you more energy, and supplement your diet with a wealth of nutrients.

净含量/Net Wt: 20gm