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北杏 Bitter Apricot Kernel 100g

RM 7.80

北杏 Bitter Apricot Kernel 100g

RM 7.80
北杏仁又名苦杏仁,能祛痰宁咳、润肠。 北杏仁中起着关键药理作用的是一种叫氢氰酸的物质,它可以对呼吸神经中枢起到一定的镇静作用,具有止咳、平喘的功效。

Apricot kernels are being used as a medicine in pharmaceutical industries as they consist of Amygdalin, which has been used to prevent diseases such as migraine, constipation, asthma, and hypertension. They have also been used to treat coughs and improve cerebral functions.

净含量/Net Wt: 100gm