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Troli Beli-Belah

Troli anda kosong

车前草 Plantago Asiatica 100g

RM 2.50

车前草 Plantago Asiatica 100g

RM 2.50
车前子主要有清热利尿、渗湿通淋、明目、祛痰等功效。 用于水肿胀满、热淋涩痛、暑湿泄泻、目赤肿痛、痰热咳嗽等病症的治疗。 需要注意的是,凡内伤劳倦、阳气下陷、肾虚精滑及内无湿热者慎服。

According to traditional Chinese medicine, all parts of the plant are medicine to cool heat and promote urination, cause diuresis, clear damp-heat, brighten the eyes and dislodge phlegm. .
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