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土耳其杏脯 Turkish Dried Apricot

RM 7.50

土耳其杏脯 Turkish Dried Apricot

RM 7.50
土耳其杏干含有丰富的纤维素,对改善肠部运动缓慢十分有效; 杏干富含的钾元素可以有效调节人体血压; 杏干含有丰富维生素A,有防止夜盲症和视力减退的作用。 果肉味甘酸、性温,归肺、大肠经; 有润肺、止咳定喘、生津止渴的功效; 可用于胃阴不足、口渴咽干等症。

Dried apricots support heart health, eye health, respiratory health and digestive health. The potassium in dried apricots helps build muscles and supports organs and tissues. It also aids in regulating blood pressure.

净含量/Net Wt: 100g
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