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纯艾条 Moxa Stick

纯艾条 Moxa Stick



艾条是用棉纸包裹艾绒制成的圆柱形长卷,艾条主要用于艾灸。 艾灸是中国最古老的医术之一,属中药外治法,可温经散寒,行气血,逐寒湿,适用于风寒湿痹,肌肉酸麻,关节四肢疼痛,颈椎病等症。

《Moxa Stick》

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy used within Traditional Chinese Medicine to ignite the body's healing mechanisms, improve circulation, and decrease pain. It involves the combustion of the dried leaf of the plant Folium Artemisiae Aagyi, on or above specific points on the body.
Instructions for use: Light the moxa stick and burn it at the moxibustion site until it feels comfortable and the skin becomes flushed or slightly painful.

净含量/Content: 10 sticks/box
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