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Troli Beli-Belah

Troli anda kosong

海竹 Polygonatum Macropodum 100g

RM 12.00

海竹 Polygonatum Macropodum 100g

RM 12.00
海玉竹產地於雲南,入肺丶脾、腎經, 有潤肺健脾、補氣養陰、益腎精功效;用於脾腎虛弱、肺虛燥咳,最適合腎虛引致腰膝酸軟、耳鳴、過早多白髮、陽痿遺精、食少囗乾、肺燥咳嗽、脾虛乏力的人士食用。 海玉竹具有良好補腎陰功效,經常飲用使人精神充沛,活力倍增。

Tastier and sweeter than "Yu Zuk". It can be used to boil soup. It has the effects of nourishing the lungs and spleen, nourishing qi and yin, and replenishing the kidney.

净含量/Net Wt: 100gm
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