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桂皮 Cinnamon 100g

RM 5.50

桂皮 Cinnamon 100g

RM 5.50
桂皮有药用功效,桂皮性热,味甘辛、气芳香、无毒,具有暖胃祛寒活血舒筋、通脉止痛和止泻的功能。 主治腹冷胸满、呕吐噎膈、风湿痹痛、跌损瘀滞、血痢肠风等疾病。是烹饪中常用的调料。

Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. Some research suggests that it may help support blood sugar control, protect against heart disease, and reduce inflammation. Cinnamon is a spice that has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years.

净含量/Net Wt: 100gm
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