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南杏 Sweet Apricot Kernel 100g

RM 7.80

南杏 Sweet Apricot Kernel 100g

RM 7.80
南杏仁偏甜,又名甜杏仁,主供食用,含丰富蛋白质、植物脂肪,有润燥补肺滋养肌肤的作用。 南杏仁入肺、大肠二经。 止咳润肺平喘、生津开胃,治虚劳咳喘,肠燥便秘。

Apricot kernels are being used as a medicine in pharmaceutical industries as they consist of Amygdalin, which has been used to prevent diseases such as migraine, constipation, asthma, and hypertension. They have also been used to treat coughs and improve cerebral functions.

净含量/Net Wt: 100gm
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