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广西虫草 GuangXi Cordyceps 100g

RM 9.00

广西虫草 GuangXi Cordyceps 100g

RM 9.00
广西虫草主要功能是补虚益精气、止咳化痰、补肺益肾、解表清肺、利湿解毒。 能够滋阴润肺,补虚健脾,尤以适合熬夜者、癌症病患及长期说话的职业人群。

The main functions of GuangXi Cordyceps are to nourish deficiency and qi, cough and phlegm, nourish the lungs and kidneys, clear the surface and clear the lungs, and promote dampness and detoxification. It can nourish yin and nourish the lungs, fill the deficiency and strengthen the spleen, and is especially suitable for those who stay up late, cancer patients and long-term talking professional people.

净含量/Net Wt: 100g