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赤小豆 Rice Bean 100g

RM 2.50

赤小豆 Rice Bean 100g

RM 2.50
赤小豆有健脾益气、利水除湿、解毒排脓的功效,能帮助我们滋养脾胃,是一款不可多得的滋养性食疗佳品。 赤小豆不仅能清热解毒,祛痰杀虫,还能补阴血、疏风清热、燥湿止痒、润肤养颜,功效非常多。 赤小豆可以搭配生薏米或车前草煲凉茶,增强利水除湿的功效。

Rice bean has the effects of invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi, diuresis and dehumidification, detoxification and drainage of pus, and can help us nourish the spleen and stomach. It is a rare nourishing food therapy. Rice bean can not only clear away heat and detoxify, eliminate phlegm and kill insects, but also nourish yin and blood, clear away wind and heat, dry dampness and relieve itching, moisturize and beautify the skin, and have many effects.