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Troli Beli-Belah

Troli anda kosong

芡实 Gordon Euryale Seed 100g

RM 6.00

芡实 Gordon Euryale Seed 100g

RM 6.00
芡实性平,具有益肾固精、健脾止泻、除湿止带的功效。 芡实既能益肾,又能健脾,能提高人体的免疫力,祛病强身,延年益寿,是补益身体之佳品。

Its main functions are to tonify the spleen and stop diarrhea, to strengthen the kidneys and control the essence, or jing; and to dispel dampness. To treat diarrhea, euryale seed is typically incorporated into a larger formula containing white atractylodes and dioscorea.
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