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金银花 Dried Honeysuckle 50g

RM 10.00

金银花 Dried Honeysuckle 50g

RM 10.00
金银花最重要的功能就是消炎和清热解毒。 金银花茶到身体之后,能有效促进激发肾上腺皮质激素,这种激素能抑制各种炎症和肿痛情况。 所以如果身体如果出现了轻微的炎症和肿痛,或者你要预防炎症,可以将金银花、菊花、桔梗和甘草加水煮沸10分钟,放凉当饮料饮用,可治疗咽喉炎和扁桃体炎。 抗内毒素。

Dried Honeysuckle contains essential oils as well as antioxidants such as quercetin. People use honeysuckle for indigestion, bacterial or viral infections, memory, diabetes, common cold, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
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