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生熟薏米 + 灯芯草 Mixed Barlet with Soft Rush

RM 2.50

生熟薏米 + 灯芯草 Mixed Barlet with Soft Rush

RM 2.50
薏米有生熟之分,生薏米味甘淡,屬性微寒;熟薏米味甘淡,屬性平。 兩者一起煮有利水滲濕、健脾、除痹(改善肌肉筋骨關節麻木疼痛)、清熱排膿之效,主治濕邪引起的水腫、腹瀉、周身疼痛、膿痰等等。加入灯心草有利水通淋;清心降火的功效,灯心草主治淋病,水肿,小便不利,尿少涩痛,湿热黄疸,心烦不寐,小儿夜啼,喉痹,口舌生疮。

Mixed Barley water contains ferulic acid, an antioxidant that studies show can protect your cells from cancer-causing damage and prevent tumor growth. Additionally, barley's mix of dietary fibers reduces high blood sugar levels as well, a risk factor for chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Method: Wash the ingredients and put them in a pot, pour 1L-1.5L of water, bring to boil on high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes, ready to serve. You may add winter melon sugar/rock sugar according to your preference.