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甜菊叶 Stevia Leaf

RM 1.60

甜菊叶 Stevia Leaf

RM 1.60
甜菊叶中的主要成分为甜菊糖苷,不仅甜度高、热量低,还具有一定的药理作用。 甜叶菊糖主要有治疗糖尿病、控制血糖、降低血压、抗肿瘤、抗腹泻、提高免疫力,促进新陈代谢等作用,对控制肥胖症、调节胃酸、恢复神经疲劳有很好的功效,对心脏病、小儿龋齿等也有显著疗效,最重要的是它可消除蔗糖的副作用。

Stevia is often touted as a safe and healthy sugar substitute that can sweeten up foods without the negative health effects linked to refined sugar. It's also associated with several impressive health benefits, such as reduced calorie intake, blood sugar levels, and risk of cavities.