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老陈皮 Dried Orange Peel

老陈皮 Dried Orange Peel


陈皮具有健脾之效,调中祛湿之功,可祛除体内寒气。 陈皮可化痰降燥,又能温化寒痰,辛散苦泄而能宣肺止咳,可用于肺失宣降、咳嗽痰多等气逆之证。 陈皮的挥发油有祛痰平喘和扩张支气管的作用,对胃肠道平滑肌有温和的刺激作用,能促进消化液的分泌,增加食欲。

Tangerine peel has the effect of invigorating the spleen, regulating the middle and removing dampness, and can dispel coldness in the body. Tangerine peel can reduce phlegm and reduce dryness, warm and cold phlegm, dispel bitterness and ventilate the lungs and relieve cough. The volatile oil of tangerine peel has the effects of eliminating phlegm, relieving asthma and dilating bronchi, mildly stimulating the smooth muscle of gastrointestinal tract, promoting the secretion of digestive juice and increasing appetite.
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